¿How can I obtain the vertical velocity, ground speed and acceleration of an copter in mavproxy?
I want obtain these parameteres doing either modifications in the mavproxy code.
Thank you very much.
¿How can I obtain the vertical velocity, ground speed and acceleration of an copter in mavproxy?
I want obtain these parameteres doing either modifications in the mavproxy code.
Thank you very much.
Looking at the mavlink messages from https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/mavlink/
Ground Speed - VFR_HUD.groundspeed
Vertical velocity - GLOBAL_POSITION_INT.vz
Acceleration - RAW_IMU.xacc, RAW_IMU.yacc, RAW_IMU.zacc
You will need to add a custom module to MAVProxy to display these values on-screen. Take a look at http://ardupilot.github.io/MAVProxy/html/development/mavcustmod.html for the documentation.
Thank you, You are the best!!