How can I obtain the total distance traveled in ardupilot log?

How can I obtain the total distance traveled during a flight from my Ardupilot log?

While I have found articles that explain how to view the distance from home or the EKF origin in the log file (such as this one: Where is distance to HOME in Log?), this is different from the total distance traveled during the flight.

I have read some articles that suggest using the log-index to obtain the total distance traveled, but since there are many logs(808) in the log folder, this can be difficult.

Is there an easier way to obtain the total distance traveled from my log file?

and, I noticed that the distance traveled value displayed in the log index is not consistent with my actual flight performance.

My copter is not capable of flying 27km, but the distance recorded in the log index is showing a value of 27131 meters.

this is my log file.

Use search here on the forum for “Distance Traveled”