Hello, when flying autonomously, for example, when flying at a fixed altitude of 7 meters, I can fly at a fixed altitude in windless weather. However, when the wind increases, the altitude drops around 1-2 meters during the flight, and when it reaches the next waypoint, it corrects itself and continues its flight. What do you recommend so that I can fly at a constant altitude with high precision?
Have you enable Windspeed Estimation and Baro Compensation?
If you have good quality GPS you can certainly use it as the primary altitude source. You can also use a downward facing rangefinder.
I use 3+ GPS here. The weight of my drone is 26 kg. I wonder if I can fly stably in high winds. I have never done what was done in the document you sent. Should I use lidar? I want to fly at a constant altitude with the most precision. This fixed height is not the height relative to the ground, I want to fly at a constant 20 meters even if the land surface changes.
Get a better GPS, Inject RTCM data so that it operates in RTK mode and do a proper methodical tuning.
Which GPS do you recommend? Can I perform this operation with a lidar sensor?
Like explained in the Methodically configure and tune ArduCopter the best GNSS receivers are uBlox F9P or septentrio. And you should use an Helical antenna.