How can H750 support compiling complete firmware when using external storage?

Hello, how can H750 support compiling complete firmware when using external storage? At present, I have encountered the following problems and I don’t know how to handle them. Can anyone help me?

  1. When ‘FLASH_ SIZE_ KB 128’ is configured in hwdef.dat, the compiled firmware does not include Script function, and SCR_ENABLE cannot be found in the parameter list parameter.

  2. When ‘define HAL_USE_EMPTY_STORAGE 1’ is configured in hwdef.dat, all modifications made to the parameters will not be saved and will be restored to their original state after restarting. If this line is not added, the parameter is saved in a file called arduplane. stg on the SD card, and if the SD card flight control is not installed, it cannot run.

Thank you to every developer for their efforts.