How are waypoints classified in MP? How to write a plugin?


Firstly, I’m very delighted see this active and supportive community to help people explore the world of UAVs! Keep it up! :slight_smile:

My thesis project would be modifying the Mission Planner to optimise the path planning stage by taking into things such as: best pattern selection (among lawnmower, Zamboni, spiral, etc.), optimal path to conserve max. battery when flying over hilly areas, etc.

For this, could anyone tell me if there’s a classification for waypoints in MP, such that the UAV knows when the imaging path is over and it is free to take a turn (at the edges of a lawnmower pattern, for example).

Also, could anyone advise me on how could I approach this work – would it be via writing a plugin for the existing code on GitHub? (If so, which folders and what are the things that would require modification?)

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! :smiley:

Many thanks,

The GitHub repo I was referring to: