I want to test my quadcopter by putting it on the ground, it taking off, hovering in one place around 0.5m and then landing. How can i achieve this in mission planner? Is it in the actions tab or the plan tab, would i also need a gps fix to do this? Just to note, its an autonomous drone so it does not have a controller.
Create a simple Mission on the Plan Screen like this, setting the delay to whatever you want:
Then go to the Actions Tab and run it.
W/O GPS is will drift with the wind while it’s in the air. Or perhaps worse if you haven’t tuned the craft which requires an RC System.
Thank you for this. You mentioned these options are done on the plan screen, but do you not have to physically pin on the map for the drone to move? As in for it to just hover in the same place do i pin it just where my home location is?
Oh right no I dont have my gps fixed yet only my home location set. That makes me a little more confused to as to how it will be done on the plan tab since Im guessing gps is needed on there.
I have done the following as i want the drone to only have an altitude of 0.5m where do i set the delay as i only want 10 seconds or 15 seconds nothing too long.
Thank you for this. On the plan tab I have not touched the map but have added below as seen in the screenshot sent earlier, do I need to set Longitude and Latitude before in all 3 of the commands?
Try it and see what message you get when you switch to Auto Mode. It’s a bad idea to attempt to run a hover mission inside. That 0.5m could be +/- quite a bit. And the last thing you want is some kind of failsafe that triggers RTL. That could plant your craft on the ceiling with default parameters.
Didn’t it give you a “need position” message”?
Need GPS and take it outside. Or connect some method of RC control. Joysticks or RC. You will need an RC system to tune the craft anyway. Everyone in your position realizes this at some point.
No it didn’t mention anything about position I do realise to tune it you do need an RC system, but someone in a similar position without a gps fix managed to get it to hover 1.5m