Holybro Pixhawk 6X not showing up in windows USB devices

I have two PX4 Pixhawk 6X from Holybro, bought in Nov 2023. Neither of them shows up in Device Manager in Windows, and (obviously) can’t connect to Mission Planner.

Both of my PX4s light up when connected to USB.

I’ve attempted both the devices on two different PCs (Win11 and Win10), reinstalled Mission Planner on one of the machines, restarted the machines, tried different sequences of plugging things in and starting MP with no luck.

Is there a way to troubleshoot the USB connection? The FC has “debug” port - is there a way to see some FC logs? Is there some manual way to install a USB driver? Anything else I can try?

I pulled out the SD card from the PX4, it contains some errors but it’s not obvious what they mean:

BSON document size 0
BSON decoded 5 bytes (double:0, string:0, bin:0, bool:0, int32:0, int64:0)
dmesg [39:100]
HW arch: PX4_FMU_V6X
HW type: V6X53
HW version: 0x00000005
HW revision: 0x00000003
FW git-hash: 46a12a09bf11c8cbafc5ad905996645b4fe1a9df
FW version: Release 1.13.2 (17629951)
OS: NuttX
OS version: Release 11.0.0 (184549631)
OS git-hash: 91bece51afbe7da9db12e3695cdbb4f4bba4bc83
Build datetime: Nov 22 2022 09:23:35
Build uri: localhost
Build variant: default
Toolchain: GNU GCC, 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
PX4GUID: 0006000.......2c
MCU: STM32H7[4|5]xxx, rev. V
INFO  [param] selected parameter default file /fs/mtd_params
INFO  [param] importing from '/fs/mtd_params'
ERROR [parameters] BSON document size (0) doesn't match bytes decoded (5)
ERROR [parameters] BSON document size (0) doesn't match bytes decoded (5)
ERROR [parameters] BSON document size (0) doesn't match bytes decoded (5)
ERROR [param] importing from '/fs/mtd_params' failed (-1)
ERROR [init] param import failed
[param] reading from /fs/mtd_params

BSON document size 0
BSON decoded 5 bytes (double:0, string:0, bin:0, bool:0, int32:0, int64:0)
dmesg [39:100]

Are you sure that your USB cable is not a “power only” cable which would not allow the Pixhawk 6X to communicate with your PC?

So it has PX4 flashed. Try using QGroundControl and flash Ardupilot if it will connect. Then use Mission Planner.

QGroundControl shows a message that no device is connected:

QGroundControl can upgrade the firmware on Pixhawk devices, SiK Radios and PX4 Flow Smart Cameras.
Plug in your device via USB to start firmware upgrade.

I tried several USB cables, including one that’s used for an xbox controller - not power-only

USB-A to USB-C (on the Pixhawk) worked for me… USB-C to USB-C confounded me for hours…sigh