Holybro H-RTK Mosaic-H GPS Module w/ Dual Antennas

I could not find info here about this system so I started a new post.
I splurged a bit and bought the Dual antenna Holybro H-RTK Mosaic-H GPS system for GPS YAW only to find little in the way of documentation on this new system. I’m also new to all this but I do have the system (sort of) up and running with RTK fix on the first GPS (rover v.4.5, orange cube plus, using the Iowa RTN network for RTK). However, the GPS2 states nofix. The messages state the GPS2 is found but the drivers keep trying to connect and looping through the baud rates.
My first question; when there is a single GPS module with dual antennas do both show up as GPS and GPS2 On the HUD?

Hi @jtandhz,

I think this is the documentation that will work for this GPS.

What’s perhaps confusing is that the GPS is dual antenna but there’s actually only one GPS unit. This means you won’t see any GPS2 data.

Thank you rmackay9 ! Your link was the documentation I had used for my system. I’m glad to get the dual antenna/single (single GPS) unit clarified. I guess I can stop trying to fix something that’s not broken. What still confuses me (lots to choose here) is why I’m still receiving the message about the 2nd GPS (GPS2) being found in the messages. It is still trying all the baud rates trying to get GPS data from GPS2 ???

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Hi @jtandhz,

If GPS_TYPE2 (or GPS2_TYPE) is set then it will still be looking for a 2nd GPS. Could you set that parameter back to 0?

The Mosaic-H is impressive for sure. I had the chance to work with one briefly and enjoyed it.

From a cost /benefit standpoint, I didn’t find it any more capable than a pair of Zed-F9Ps, so it wasn’t worth the high cost to continue using it.

Guessing the Holybro variant isn’t so different from ArduSimple’s. Here’s their doc:


And here’s Holybro’s own guide. It’s a bit misleading, as I was using a Mosaic-H as early as ArduPilot 4.2.

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Thanks again rmackay9, my GPS2_TYPE was set to find a seconds GPS and resetting it back to 0 solved the problem. Yes, the Holybro mosaic is expensive but it came with all the antennas and cables. I’m glad Yuri_Rage found it impressive and thanks for the links. My system uses a small 21 inch electric mower so I’m hoping for something impressive.


Unsure what going on here. I reconfigured my Holybro Mosaic-H RTC dual antenna to GPS1 (orange cube plus) and was getting the SBF detected at all baud rates loop again and nothing I tried would change it. So just to see I unplugged the GPS cable so there is no power or connections to the GPS and cube, but even after rebooting everything MP still reports SBF found (continues to baud loop, found at all baud rates) and my GPS states NO FIX. Without a GPS connected I would expect to see NO GPS, but it states NO FIX??? Still struggling with this…
Here are my prams
6224.param (15.9 KB)

I following this post!