Hobbywing DroneCAN ESC Dual Throttle (CAN and PWM)

I am working on a new build using the Hobbywing H6M motors with DroneCAN ESCs. I have everything working and flying fine using CAN for motor control but these ESCs offer redundant PWM input as well. Does anyone have experience with the setup procedures for CAN and PWM working simultaneously (as a backup)?

I know they say they both work and can be switched over in 16ms, but there’s no facility to do that within the Ardupilot code (that I’m aware of), AND the reason for using CAN is longer wire runs with much improved noise immunity, simplified wiring and two-way data.
So if CAN stops working for some reason, what do we expect of ordinary old PWM and why would it be in a position to take over? (apart from the extra complexity and weight of having two wiring systems in place)

I probably mean: they’ve taken something that happens to work and tried to market that as a feature.

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Understood. That’s what I was thinking was the likely scenario. I figured because it has the extra PWM wire already attached I might as well plug it in if there was a way to utilize it in some useful fashion.