Does anyone know if it is possible to draw 2A from the BAT pad of the Hobbywing 60A 4in1 ESC?
Anyone has tried it?
If no, what is the maximum ampere it will supply?
I try email to Hobbywing but not reply.
Does anyone know if it is possible to draw 2A from the BAT pad of the Hobbywing 60A 4in1 ESC?
Anyone has tried it?
If no, what is the maximum ampere it will supply?
I try email to Hobbywing but not reply.
I don’t know but I don’t recommend this from HW-designer point of view until the original HW-designer gives a clear go to this.
This pin / pad is clearly noted as “monitoring port” not as supply port. It depends on the design of the board.
If I had to monitor the main battery port voltage I would connect a very thin conductor track as directly as possible to the original pad the battery is actually connected to. I then route this thin conductor track to the monitor pad. Such a conductor track is not designed for high currents and can be destroyed by high current. But this also can destroy the complete board…
If you want to use the bat power directly for the payload, it would be better to connect it directly to the main current path.