px4flow only work after the Hkpilot32 has first been powered via USB, and only then via battery once the sensor is up and running
Aircore, I installed PX4flow on my pixhawk1 Y6 and I have this problem, I am not the only one. Its not your Hkpilot32, I have seen multiple posts with all sorts of hardware. The developers created a fix that solved this problem for some, but clearly the problem still exists. I did post this some time back with no response. Perhaps a solution is out there, but I cant find it, and it seems that the developers feel the problem is solved. For now I power up every time with the usb and everything works as it should. Meanwhile, I hope for a better solution. Continue posting and perhaps we can attract some attention!!
This problem fixed in PX4 firmware. But not in arducopter…
Can you provide details of your setup? You might have too many devices pulling current from the i2c bus, and just need separate power for it.
This problem exists even if i plug only PX4flow on i2c bus
In my Y6 setup I use power from the servo rail rather than the I2c bus to avoid this issue. The previous release notes indicate this problem was solved, and so this issue is not getting much attention.
Copter 3.5.3 21-Sep-2017 / Copter 3.5.3-rc1 12-Sep-2017
Changes from 3.5.2
- Guided mode support yaw and yaw-rate fields from set-position-target message
2) Optical Flow startup retries 10 times - Bug fixes:
a) Septentrio RTK GPS driver robustness improvements for long messages
b) dataflash not-logging checks if not initialised
c) fix reporting of relative-position-NE-to-home (most users will not notice this difference)
My firmware version is 3.5.7