Higher voltage servos?

Many of my aircraft with digital servos get their best performance with a voltage in the range of 6-7 volts.

Now I know that the board cannot power them, I also thought I read somewhere the maximum voltage on the output side is like 5.5v.

So, this makes me think that if I just make a separate power buss for the servos, share the ground with the APM and just send the signal to the individual servo.

Will this work or am I asking to have problems? I hope to move to heli platform with one of my APM’s and they really need the extra power and speed.

Right now, on my plane, the input is powered by one source, the APM by the power module, and the servo side with another source, all of which are 5v. No power goes from receiver to APM inputs, only the signal but again the ground is shared.

I think that will be fine. Also if you remove the JP1 jumper then I believe the power on the rear servo rail is separated from the APM2’s CPU power. This is something you should always do for planes in any case. I believe that will also make it safe to provide a higher voltage to that rear servo rail.