High cpu usage after update. Apr 2023

after the recent update, the cpu usage on my ground station pc stays pinned at 100% while running MP. Anyone have ideas why this might be?

Hi Morgan
I’ve done latest updates to MissionPlanner on win10 and not had that problem.
I did a beta update just then to check…

Maybe try Windows updates first, or check if your anitivirus hasn’t launched the mutual destruction game.
MissionPlanner uses quite standard components so maybe look for video driver updates too.

enable the console windows, under help.

this might give an idea as to what is going on.

it could be sorting logs in the background

FYI, I updated to latest beta earlier and I’m liking the new parameter screen, how it is like the old full parameter list and full parameter tree combined into one :slight_smile:


thanks for the ideas but i think i found the cause. I have my flight logs directory pointed at a location in a OneDrive folder. based on past experience, I’ve learned that OneDrive will stop syncing every once in a while. and ill have to open OneDrive from the start menu to get it going again. so I tried that today and shortly after it synced the CPU usage dropped back down to normal levels. so i guess the update was just coincidental with OneDrive not working.