Hexacopter moves left right front back instead of following mission in Auto Mode

Hello Ardupilot Community,

I was flying my 16 Liter Agri Hexacopter which is tuned properly and flying properly from around 3-4 months. Today when I was fling in Loiter mode everything was working perfect when I tried crossing Poligone geofence the drone was supposed to perform RTL but after reaching RTL altitude of 15 meter, the drone was rolling right left and pitching front and back in approx 2 dia meter circle area. Then I switched to RTL manually and switched back to Loiter and drone flies perfect as it should.

After that I tried to do Auto Mission on 1 acre Land, I uploaded the plan and drone took off, after taking mission altitude of 5 meter, instead of following flight plan, drone again started doing roll left right and pitch front back same as it behaved earlier.

When I checked the logs, pitch and roll movements are desired as DesPitch and DesRoll graph shows the movement. Please help me with this.


Please help me with this matter.
Thank You.

Have you flown this with the spray tank full before? Was the tank full or partly full? Have you made any physical changes to the drone since the last time it flew a mission properly? Just trying to get more of a sense of what is going on.

Yes, @Allister I have flown this drone with full tank empty tank half tank did manual spraying with full tank did auto spraying with full tank. I think this behaviour may be related to fence.
I don’t know why this is happening.

I ran your mission and fence in the simulator and it worked. Of course that didn’t consider your other fence settings but at a quick glance I didn’t see an issue there either. A fence won’t make the drone move as the log shows. Usually once a fence is breached it triggers a per-selected behavior and that’s it.

Edit: I just copied your fence settings into the sim, along with your geo-fence polygon and mission. The sim ran the mission just fine. The geo-fence is very close to the mission, so that could cause a sudden RTL (based on your settings) if the drone were to drift or overshoot a turn. The easiest way to rule it out would be to move the polygon of your geofence out another 10m from your spraying area. Again though, I don’t think this is the problem.

What do you think is it a firmware issue? as firmware is custom made based on Arducopter v4.4.4

What might be the issue.

@xfacta @dkemxr please help me.

Thank You