any chance to load a couple of pics of the aircraft from the top where fc can be seen?
Found something very strange. When I checked the HUD carefully, I discovered that everything is backward with the AHRS_ORIENTATION set to 0. In other words, when the copter was tilted forward the HUD was pointing at the sky, and rolling it to the right made the HUD go left.That shouldn’t be, because its mounted in the “0” position. Yet when I changed AHRS_ORIENTATION to 4 (ie, 180 degrees) the HUD was now correct in all axes.
I re-calibrating the radio and noticed that the yaw and pitch sticks move in opposite directions than the screen. But the arming function with the yaw stick full right does do the arming. As far as pitch is concerned this might have to be tried in the air to see if it is reversed.
Hopefully I’m getting somewhere.
If you reversed the orientation of the board the commands will be reversed too, but do not proceed random, try to understand why your fc is backwards. Have a pic of the hexa?
Probably you have the board not pointing forward
The Pixhawk is not easily visible because it is sandwiched between the top and bottom plates. However I am certain it points forward because that is the orientation I always use, and in PX4 firmware that parameter was always 0 degrees. Evidently Ardupilot thinks it is rotated by 180.
very strange, i’d say it is not pointing forward or the motors are not in the correct position. If everything is set correctly it is very strange that the firmware applies a random rotation:)
If i were you i’d triple check everything once again, usually when this kind of things happen it is very often configuration error somewhere.
OK, I tried some pics. The back view shows the red arms in front. From the same position I zoomed in to the controller (which is from mRO) and you can see their logo which points forward. This is exactly how I built 4 identical drones. Using PX4 firmware they all flew very well with a 0 degree setting.
So this is front/forward (ignoring the arm numbers)? If it’s not, or you don’t think it is, then Yaw 180 should work.
No. your arrow points backward. It flies forward with the red arms in front … away from you.
Every Pixhawk I have seen the arrow is pointing towards the end with the ADV6.6V connector that you can spy in your 2nd photo. I don’t know about the logo on that Pixhawk (Mro is it?) but the several I have all are like this:
And another one from the PX4 guide:
So it now flies forward with the red arrow pointng away with Yaw 180 Orientation?
Good Evening All,
Based on the second photo posted by @drone-av8r , the Pixhawk is facing its nose towards the direction of the arrow signified by @dkemxr. So I agree that setting the orientation to Yaw 180 should fix the flipping issue.
On all the pixhawk i have seen where you plug the servos is the back of the controller.
If PX4 works with the exact same displacement of motors and pixhawk maybe it has some magic to it
I think it’s this magic Dronecode rune etched in the flight controller that is doing it
You have it backwards. ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) port is at the FRONT of the Pixhawk. Comparing your pictures I can clearly see the antenna and the yello zio tie. The RED arms are at the REAR of the frame, not the front.
If I were you I would flash the board with Heli firmware, and then flash with multirotor firmware and start completely from scratch.
Thanks for all the responses so far. You guys have really been helpful.
I contacted mRo and asked for clarification about the orientation of their Pixhawk 1. However, looking back at my notes from previous builds, you are correct. The end with the mRo logo is the forward end, so I DO need the 180 degree setting. After making this change, guess what … it FLEW. So with all that fuss, the answer was a simple parameter change, albeit one I didn’t expect. I appreciate the persistence of this group in keeping me focused on the right solution. AWESOME people. Thanks so much.
This one can be put to bed.
Great that it’s flying Joe!
No need to reflash firmware. FC is backward
Hi I had the same issue with my F450 flipping all the time.As you wrote all the motors and props are installed and spinning in the right direction.And during the TX calibration(mission) were! all the channels respondind correctlly?? Even after all that if its still flipping as I had the same issue you may still have to reverse some stick input it could be yaw, roll or pitch .Everything looked ok in the mission planner TX calibration for my Quad but I still had to reverse my pitch during test flight and that solved my flipping issue.And if you need to know how check the inputs (needs reversed) without the props on let me know .you can always write me at
This issue is simple and resolved. The Flight Controller in oriented 180° in Yaw from the motor configuration he had.One parameter change fixes this.