Hi everyone,I took my Hexsoon 450 out with cube Orange and HereLink Radio,this has been sitting quite a while I checked every thing over,so went into the carp park to test fly it had 8 sats and 1.2HDOP.So I took off in Stabilised and was holding good then swithched into Alt Hold all good then went into Pos Hold,it held position really well then all of a sudden switched into circle,I cannot find any reason for this any ideas off the top of your heads gentlemen and women
You would need to post a .bin log file
I will need to try tomorrow as need to get a file manager installed on this laptop
Sorry for the late response,
I’ve looked at the log and did this flight end in a crash? It sure looks like it on the log, everything is all over the place at the end.
There’s a strange thing going on with your ch5 input. It starts to decrease until it reaches the PWM limit for circle mode which activates it. I’m also running herelink and the CH5 (flight modes) should jump instantly between PWM values when I toggle though channels.
This is your CH5. As you can see it starts to decrease for no reason which activates circle mode.
Looking closer,
I’ve circled where the mode changes to circle. You can see on the top the pink bar indicating the duration of circle mode. And also at the bottom it has a label when it changed.
The CH5 input should not act like this at all, mine looks sharp and jumps between values instantly, like this
You also seem to pull the throttle all the way down right after it enters circle mode,
The vibrations also go through the roof as you enter circle and shortly after it enter landing mode. According to the log, you’re not even in pos hold at any time. You enter loiter but shortly after circle mode.
So, how do you change flight modes? Do you do it through the app on the herelink? In that case, do you use the solex or Qground control app? How have you configured your buttons and dial? Have you configured them in the hereilnk settings app or in your gcs app? Something is definitely going on with your channel 5 input.
Hi Axel ,this was the 1st time I use the Hexsoon in over a year and every thing was good,yes it ended in a big crash,I was fkying in stabilised then tried Alt hold all was good tried Pos Hoild and itmore or less went straight into circle and hit a lamp post,I am using Solex and am working on the quad to try and solve this problem,and thank you for your help and advice away to my bed now but look forward to any more advise you can give me.
I concur with Axel
Ch5 problem with the transmitter.
The other channels didnt show any such behaviour.
You can set these parameters, and please note: I’m recommending to disable the FFT-driven notch filter and enable throttle-based notch filter, since the FFT is targeting the wrong frequencies with an extremely wide bandwidth.
MOT_SPIN_ARM,0.12 // use motor test to check this works OK
Hover throttle might need some time in AltHold to adjust after changing those MOT_SPIN settings. They were extremely high, not sure why…
Thank you Shawn,I will copy these into the flight controller now,and I will do a reset of my herelink
It is people on here like you xfacta Shawn and Axel1 Axel that make Ardupilot awesome give yourselves a CDM = Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolate
Hi Shaun and Axel,have implemented all your settings Shaun and Axel I have recalibrated my HereLink,lets hope all is good will find out Friday and thank you both
Also the Herelink documentation specifically states that using a RC Channel for flight mode changes is not the recommend course of action.
Thank you Manavgandhi17,I will read through this when I come back from walking the dog and im sure that is how i did set it up,will keep you posted
Well I think my problem was caused by having channel 5 set as flight mode channel have put it to zero and done as is explained by Herelink,hopefully test tomorrow and thank you every one I am clown of the day lol
Make sure that your wheel on the herelink is not connected to CH5 in any way. That could cause a gradual decrease like we saw. I would also only set buttons through the herelink settings app and not through the qgroundcontrol or solex apps.
You could try to only set up a few modes to begin with to keep is simple. I you need any help or guidance just ask!
Hi Axel1,im really grateful for your help my wheel dont work very good so ive set it on channel 32,it was on 5 and i think that is what caused the trouble now evey thing regarding flight modes is on the Solex buttons im like a wee kid in a sweet shop,now back to mission’s and proper fun,I saw that video of your wooden quad on a mission it was awesome
Do I have a wooden quad? I think you got me mixed up with someone else. What video did you see?
Axel1 it was on youtube a small wooden quad with a matek 405 board it was an awesome we thing,
p/s it was red I think made me want to build a seven incher,lol
Nah, that’s not mine. I’ve only ever built one wooden quad, and it was like 5 years ago. Now I fly one tarot 650 with 17 inch propps and a fully carbon enclosed frame with 22 inch propps.