Here3+ No GPS issues with pixhawk 1

After countless hours of research and trials, I’ve decided to post my issues in hopes someone can shed some light on my problem. My setup is a mower running ardurover 4.5 with mission planner on a pixhawk 1 clone (2.4.8) board with a here3+ unit and here+ base for rtk gps. The system was running good, but I noticed it would bounce between float and fix frequently. After doing some research, I tried to install the latest firmware on the here3+ to ensure it was the latest setup, which proved to be quite a challenge and ended up causing the here3 to lock into a “maintenance mode” that I could not get back to a normal (operational) state. At this point the gps would power up but I could not get GPS (gps status 0). Long story short, I decided to order a new here3+ to get my system back running again, but alas when installed it to gives a status 0 (No GPS) on mission planner. I have comed through my parameters verifying setup, reinstalled ardurover, reinstalled mission planner, and just about everything else I can think of to no avail. Any assistance or recommendations would be gratefully appreciated!
I’m including my parameters below for reference
Thank you!

MP Parameters.param (15.2 KB)