Here2 bad compass health [solved]

I’m having a big issue that i can not seem to resolve. My external Here2 compass on my large Octo keeps tripping and saying “Compass not healthy” with the yellow and blue lights. It also has “GPS glitches” where it will go from 16-0 sats and back to 16. After reboot it will be all green flashes, then approx 2-4 min after booting it will beep, flash blue and yellow, then give me the compass not healthy error. It also locks out the compass cal for whichever the Here2 is on (compass 1 or 2), but i can still cal the internal compass.
I’ve tried 3 different Here2 units and 3 different Cubes (Black, Orange and Blue). I’ve also raised the Here2 away from the frame as high as it can physically go, still same. Is there a way to make it less sensitive to mag interference? Any help would be great!!

2021-02-05 23-24-45.bin (968 KB)

Issue solved. It was the PingRX 2020i ADS-B transceiver. It was being powered from the Cube, Telem 2. When in transmit mode it pulled too many amps from the board which shut down the Here2. When the amps dropped during receive mode the Here2 GPS came back but the compass would not.
I’ve now verified it’s only being powered externally. Test flight went great, no more issues!

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