Here GNSS compass not detected by Pixhawk 2

Hi everyone,

I am suspecting that my Pixhawk 2 (running Copter 3.5.5) is not detected or using the external compass that comes with the Here GNSS module. I have two reasons for suspecting so:

  1. The COMPASS_DEV_IDs do not change when I plug/unplug the module followed by re-calibration. The values consistent stay as the following:

  2. When I monitor the mx, my, mx2 and my2 values under the Status tab in Mission Planner, both sets change together when the Pixhawk is rotated (yaw) independently of the module, but both remain constant when only the module is rotated. My compass settings are as follows:

    I would expect that mx/my would change as the module is rotated and mx2/my2 would change as the Pixhawk is rotated.

I dug around and found this open issue on GitHub:
Apparently this was a known issue but I’m curious as to why no one else has experienced this, or perhaps they have but haven’t noticed.

I gave it my all to debug this but thought now is the time to turn to more experienced veterans :slight_smile: Help is greatly appreciated!

@proficnc @mboland @rmackay9 My apologies for tagging directly, but you guys seem to be the most knowledgeable on this matter and are aware of the open issue on GitHub. Do you think it’s possible that this bug is still present but people just haven’t noticed it while flying?