HERE 3+ LED issue

Hello everyone

I’m using Pixhawk Cube Orange PLUS with Arduplane 4.3.1 and Here3 PLUS GNSS module
Everything works ok, but I’ve found a bug (I suppose) when was trying to turn off the LED on the Here3+ module.
When I’m setting NTF_LED_BRIGHT = 0 (off) - LED is disabled, but after rebooting of the aircraft - GNSS starts to flashing LED with all colours (the behaviour the same during boot, noFix and 3dFix, not only during initialisation). The parameter value was 0, I’ve checked this as well.

Then I connected the Here2 (CAN), made all these steps again and LED remains OFF as it should be (there is a flashing during boot/Initialization, but then it turns off).

I have also tried to change parameters directly on Here 3+ module (via SLCAN) - no effect
Other parameters like NTF_LED_OVERRIDE, NTF_LED_TYPES has no effect on this problem.
In addition, I have tried to update the firmware of Here3+ module, but it had no effect as well.

Does anybody knows how I could overcome this problem? Or is it the software/hardware issue of the Here3+ itself?

Best regards

Hi, I have the same problem.

Hi, I am facing the same problem exactly, but this time with the following version,

  • Arduplane 4.4.3
  • here 3+ and here 4
    Still, I need to find a solution!! Any idea?
    Did you solve this issue?

disable the led types to make them stay off using NTF_LED_TYPES. it will be DroneCAN and External ToshibaLED. depending on if its on i2c or canbus.