Here 3 GPS, NO GPS in midflight and Toilet bowl effect

Hello all,
My copter is using Cube Orange with single here3 GPS unit. Suddenly in mid flight no of sat count became 0 and EKF varince apperared and copter entered into LAND mode, I took altitude hold mode and recovered the copter back to safe landing. attached the log. pls chcek on it. and we are regularly getting the TOILET BOWL effect once in 3 flights consistently. FW- Copter 4.0.7. Can someone suggest on which part we are missing.

In fairness, I haven’t reviewed the log yet.

But it sounds like a power problem that caused the GPS to cold start.

Regardless, you should seriously consider updating to 4.3-stable. There are a ton of EKF and GPS fixes that you are missing in 4.0.7

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Ok, Request to check the Log also. What do you mean by cold start, this event happened 31min after in flight

I assume you’re using a 6S LiPo setup. In that case, you are flying your copter well below safe voltage minima. Your battery parameters allow for flight well into this regime, all the way down to 3.1 volts per cell (where 3.5 is probably more advisable). Also, your flight controller Vcc never reports a voltage above 5 volts, and consistently decreases over time under the 5V threshold.

I can’t say for certain that you have a power issue or that it’s the root cause of your GPS failure, but it does appear that your comfort level with low voltage states exceeds the capability of your craft.

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A agree with Yuri. It was sending data at the correct rate until it stopped and then continued reset messages.

And for sure update to latest Stable. After doing so (or before) make sure EK2 is disabled and EK3 is active. You have EK2 enabled now. I would follow that with an effort to reduce vibration and then tuning. Tune is not good and the motor outputs are oscillating.