HEQ G-port gimbal support

No!!!, just in time, i’m about to order the other servo… waiting on your comments on the new servo!

Best Regards

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Not happy.

I try compatibility check … and i can get it worked with Windows 8 compatibility and Admin access…

Also there is a new configurator build at the support link:


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This morning HEQ support replied and gave me a Dropbox link. It was a folder that contained about 70 files and the gport.exe. It worked fine and my gimbal is working again after the app hung during update.
I have yaw and pitch working on sbus. Seems good. Not flown it yet.

There is a discrepancy in the manual about supply voltage.
The supplied paper manual (version 1.0) that came in the box says 8-24v
The online PDF (version 1.0) says 12-18v.

As my matek H743 has a switchable 9v, perfect for depowering the gimble while retracted in the fuselage, this is fairly important.

I have now flown the gimbal and it has a few issues. There is quite severe level horizon drift and can quickly end up 40deg out. Also when using sbus control the ‘home’ function dosent work and there is pitch jittering at some angles. This is not happening with PWM or when control lines disconnected.
I hope they get mavlink sorted soon.
See pitch jittering on sbus.

I now have the gimbal working on a retract system in the belly of a plane. As the previous post, there is considerable level drift problem. It clearly is the gimbals perception of level because if you change heading by 180deg the tilt will be in the other direction.
Due to lack of servo outputs I had to use sbus which is still jittering. It seems ok at level pitch attitude but jitters at other angles.

Question if anyone else is using this gimbal-
When the new ‘FPV’ firmware is installed, at least one axis must be locked, is that correct? I see some YT vids where people are changing the ‘mode’ of the gimbal in flight. I see no facility to do this. The 3rd channel is just to lock the gimbal ‘home’. which dosent work on sbus anyway. Any info please?

I just tested the gimbal today on my Arduplane Albabird.
Using PWM - used 3 channels.
1 to control pan
2 to control tilt
3 to control HOME which is basically enable/disable gimbal.
In FPV mode yes, you can lock one axis but best is to lock all as this can be dangerous in flight.
No jitter on PWM, just some jello from motors.
I miss the possibility to move the camera in FPV mode as well as adjustment of endpoints or center points (if you don’t mount the gimbal perfectly straight then FPV mode will be confusing a bit). Also more rear view rotation would be nice, or at least option to mount the gimbal 45deg yaw and then adjust centerpoint of camera rotation. This would allow to look back from one side at the cost of limited panning option to the other side.
Haven’t seen any horizon drift but I did notice that sometimes gimbal won’t center perfectly back to the home position.

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It seems HEQ have moved on the Mavlink support. There is a new folder on their site containing firmware and other files. There is some code examples. Is this to help the ardupilot developers or am I supposed to know what to do with it? Because Im afraid I dont.
Any help appreciated.
@andyp1per , would you mind a quick look at this please?

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You can see from you YT channel that Im not having much success with this gimbal, however I have found a mode that seems ok. Latest FPV firmware, PWM and speed mode. Finally a smooth video.
Other findings -
on sbus the gimbal ‘shivers’ slightly (on the bench) on any axis that is not centered. In flight there is large random movements in speed or angle mode.
PWM angle mode- I cant see the shivering on the bench but there is still large random jerking in flight. It looks like it randomly gets a ‘home’ message.
PWM speed mode - seems to work ok.
In all tests with any settings there is terrible level drift.
HEQ say there is nothing wrong with their firmware.

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