Help with Stall Spin?

I think what I am experiencing is called a stall spin. This happened in auto mode while the plane was heading to a WP when the plan starts spinning in a very tight loop and drops altitude. I had the sun in my eyes and could not spot the plane and thankfully RTL saved it until I could see it, then manual mode to a safe landing.

I still don’t know what data should be graphed or I would just post some screen shots of graphs rather than my logs. Is there a page with a description of the logged parameters and values that Google has yet to discover for me?

Thanks again!

At this point I don’t think this was a stall spin because of some of the comments posted on the diy forum. The plan is mostly level during its decent. I am posting another graph of the rcout, can someone tell me if this is showing a cause or the APM trying to recover?

Is the target altitude logged in the dataflash logs?


I am still trying to resolve the issue where my plane enters a spin during auto mode and am concentrating on tuning, which has led to a question about terms used in the documentation.

At under Initial Assessment item 3, it states “If the model starts to wag its wings…”. Does this mean a yaw wag or roll wag?

When I am autotuning and I try to roll my plan harshly yaws back and forth before starting to roll, so I am wondering if this is part of my problem.


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