There are a few flight controllers that can handle 6 dshot outputs. The cube orange and black can. The CUAV v5+ cube can only handle 4 while the V5 nano can handle 8+
I don’t know if the Pixhawk 3 hardware supports 6 DShot. But can you check what value “ BRD_PWM_COUNT” is set to? If it is not 0, set it to 0 and test again.
I tried setting to BRD_PWM_COUNT = 0 and it comes back with PWM: 1-8 on boot.
With BRD_PWM_COUNT = 6 and it looks like it works. Shows RCOut: PWM:1-8 DS150:9-14
Awesome! Thanks for the help. I’ll try to spin them up in the morning and see if all 6 work.