Help with buying parts for a quadcopter

Hello, I’m currently doing a quadcopter project controlled by Android, it’ll have the following:

Microcontroller: Arduino UNO R3 … rduino+uno

x4 Motors: DC BRUSHLESS (With a value arround 1000KV in order to lift 1Kg / 2.2pounds) … +brushless
(I’m not really sure if this NEEWER brand is good but it’s cheap and I saw them being used in a video … +brushless
I also found these really cheap, the brand is Hobbypower, ESC incorporated, 30A, not sure if they have BEC, I think they don’t but anyway… If there are any other brands better than these I’m mentioning that you could share from your experience I’d be pleased! … Though there’s a little big issue, I can only use AMAZON.

I read about this brand in a forum, their max current is 20A ‘cause I’m going to use 18. These have BEC because currently I don’t want to use another battery for the drone (calculations down below)
x1 source: battery lipo 3S … ttery+lipo
One 2200mAh source is not so much, but it’s enough for the testing… One thing, I don’t know how to charge them, I’ve been reading a while, and I’ve seen several chagers and stuff, I’m currently checking which one to buy, if there are any suggestions It’d be really helpful.

x1 Sensor: 9 degrees of freedom (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer) barometer for obtaining the height variable from the pressure. … imu+9+axis
This is the only one whose price seems to fit my needs… Cheap, and has everything I need but I haven’t read anything about it… Some projects I’ve read said there are other brands but they’re not available in Amazon.

And there’s this one too but I find it way too expensive … Y4H166ZXSK

x1 teleoperation: WiFi/Bluetooth (I haven’t made up my mind yet about which one to use, I’d be pleased if someone help me decide which is the best option)

Bluetooth … th+arduino
I think Bluetooth is the easiest as regards programming since it’s got serial communication… Though I haven’t made the Joystick yet

WiFi: … fi+arduino
Tons of doubts… I need to connect Arduino to the phone… but I need that Arduino receives and sends data… I mean, Full-duplex communication since it’ll receive commands I send from my phone, and the phone will display some flight data (optional)

x4 propellers: I don’t know yet the size, any tips will be welcome.


Motors :

Imax : 12 A
rating: 1000Kv
Rpm = kv*V ( batería 11.1V) =11.100 rpm . enough for the flight
Battery : 2200mAh
20C (discharge ratio)

2.2A* 20C =44A …. 44/4motors : 11A … recalling that motors Amp max is 12A

“Watts per Pounds” RULE 50W/lbs ( 50 W per each pound of weight to lift the quadcopter )
Wats= Volt*Amp = 122.1W
1 pound - 0.4535KG
x pound -> 1Kg

x= 2.2 Pound
50W -> 1 puound
x W ->2.2 pound
X=110W y tenemos 122.1W

Calculations based for a 1kg quadcopter

I think that battery will last approximately 3mins, and I don’t know which propellers to use.

I’ve read about Arducopter and Aeroquad, which use Open source code, but all their Drones use Xbee for the teleoparation, and mine won’t have that, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to use them.
Any tips, help, ideas, experiences, codes supplies will be well received and thanked.

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Thank you very much for your attention.

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