Help required with custom build QGroundControl

I’ve been trying to build QGC for Android using the custom build example found here:

However, whilst I managed to build the desktop versions for both Linux & Windows, I have not been able to successfully build any QGC version. (neither standard nor custom example).

  • Talking about the .apk file build to install on Android device.

I did notice various talk on GitHub about build problems with Android and issues mentioned as to why there hasn’t been any update to the version available on Playstore.

I also discovered whilst Java11 works within QT on Windows, it does not work on Linux and requires a later version like 17 or 19. (Talking in context of successfully building the Android build-kits)

Basic build for Android works (sometimes) but not able to deploy unless I get the .apk file done.
I believe the version of Gradle is also important.

Anyone out there having success building QGC for Android including the .apk file?
What version Gradle works?
Any other hints or special setup to make it work?
