RC Input Options

I am so confused right now!
Read every page known to man and still have no idea how to proceed.
Turnigy TGY-i10 & ia10b
DX4e and AR6210
Have tried both RX2 and Sbus pins.
Tried all manner of settings.

Anyone able to set me straight here ?
Appreciate for any advice.

Have you set the ia10b receiver to output sbus or Ibus? It wont work set to ppm. You should set it to sbus since you have an inverted sbus pad on the board.

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It’s almost always the same problem with this Turnigy/Flysky stuff. Configure for Sbus in the Transmitter setup and use the right pins for Sbus on the Receiver.


I’m usually all about reusing old stuff, but I’d seriously consider getting an EdgeTx radio with external module port and a 4in1/5in1 multimodule. That’s a one time purchase, and you’re basically free to use almost any receiver. Not to speak of all the features EdgeTx offers.

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Thanks for the replies guys, in my RX setup (on the TX) I only have I.bus settings, no sbus. I assumed that enabling ibus (which is enabled by default) would give both sbus and sensors out the 2x plugs. There is no seperate option for sbus alone.
Anyway, I tried that along with the sbus pin and had no success.

if you only have Ibus then connect it to RX2 and it should work. Ibus is non inverted so connects directly to the serial port and not the inverted sbus pad.

I think you need to update the firmware on your radio to get SBUS output option.

Thanks for the tip, being turnigy the support is non-existent, apparently the flysky firmware won’t work on the turnigy. Might be time to move it on and upgrade to the RadioMaster.

Good news !!
Managed to get the RC input working.
Connected to sbus on ia10b receiver to speedybee f405v3 on the R2 pin.
Need to set PPM on the serial interface and invert RX, and just wait, for ages. The documentation says PPM not supported but for whatever reason it made it work. Once I’ve tested it and confirmed all is good I will post back and perhaps suggest an addition to the wiki.

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Does it reconnect immediately after failsafe?

does it say PPM detected on the messages tab?

I cannot find any reference to RC protocol in messages tab, can’t find in log either. trying to figure out how to log it.

for future reference, see replies here: How to tell if/which RC protocol Arducopter recognizes on SPKT/DSM port? - ArduCopter / Copter 3.6 - ArduPilot Discourse

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So it was using IBUS not ppm?