I setup arduplane on a 3d printed micro talon. I added 4 motors in an x configuration for vtol but when i takeoff in qacro or qstableize it wont spin in the air. It goes back forward left and right but wont spin. What did i screw up.
Post a .bin log file.
But it probably has not enough headroom for yaw because it is underpowered
I will post that as soon as i get home. When i tried i looked at the screen and when i applied yaw i didnt see the output for the motors change on the servo output screen. Also to get off the ground it takes anout 50 percent throttle
what are bin logs and where can i find them? are those tlogs?
.bin logs are the logs stored on the flight controllers SD card. You can download them either through Mission Planner, or pull the SD card and copy the files directly.
Don’t bother posting a .tlog. Those are the log files stored by the ground control (telemetry log). They are of little use troubleshooting these kinds of issues.
Got it i dont have an sd for my drone do i need one to test or does it stay on the borad when the board is powered like ram
Are your PID values for YAW close to Zero?
There are a couple boards that will store short log files on the onboard memory. I don’t have any experience with them. If your FC has the spot for an SD card then it probably won’t have the ability to store files in memory. And honestly, if you have the spot for an SD card, just put a card in there. It doesn’t need to be anything too fancy.
Ok sorry for wasting everyones time. I am a moron. Apparently i didnt calibrate my yaw axes on the radio. One more ques Though the quadplane doesn’t spin unless it is vertically accelerating l. I have to put more throttle to allow for yaw. In hover it doesnt spin. Does anyone know why this might be
No .bin log file, no cookie.