Change the position of the return home point?

I have a question for Ardupilot experts. GPS receiver can be integrated into some transmitters(radiomaster tx16x). Is it possible to change the position of the point of return home using a script or the settings of the flight controller itself? The new position for the return is taken from the location of the transmitter.

In some ways, this is similar to the following mode, which is available in ardupilot

Yes, it is possible. You can set a rally point and move it around with lua scripting AFAIK.
Then you just need to configure that home is not used for RTL. And vioila it comes to you when doing RTL

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You can also change the home point directly with LUA ahrs:set_home(loc)
Function returns boolean ( true if successful)

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Thanks Rolf, I did not know that.

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How do you get the GPS-location of the transmitter in the AP-lua?
How is it uploaded from transmitter to FC? Is there a standard-upload-datastream or do you need a special OTX-lua?

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Perhaps this information will help somehow.

Ok, I found the answer - it should not be a problem to send up the GPS-data. I’m sure that’s still solved by someone that realized “follow me”:

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Did you ever get any further with this? I recently got a FRSKY X12s with a built in GPS so it would be good to be able to use it for follow mode.