Help in 1meter wheelbase Quadcopter flight before tuning

I am using cube orange with copter4.3.4.
I have made a 1 meter wheelbase quadcopter and used t-motor mn6007 motor with 20 inch propellers.

I am struggling with tuning the copter. It takesoff decently with default PIDs but when i put it in ALTHOLD to check if i can proceed for AUTOTUNE, it stays for sometime but after few seconds it wobbled too much and crashed.

Please suggest if i can use ALT hold without tuning? or shall i start with lower PID .

attached log and video file is for reference-


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hello rahul,

I am also having the same drone, can you share me the PID you have use. It would be helpful if i could have the parameters. I tried once and broke the motor arm of the drone so i am waiting for the other motor arm to come till then i would like to see yours.