Help build baitboat with GPS and waypoints

Thank you very much for your answers. I am going to change my needs to reduce costs and I will use a cell phone and mission planner. I have seen a video in which with mission planner I can send the ship to a specific point, is this correct? Taking these new needs into account, the controller could be the flysky i6, but what flight controller can I put on it? Would pixhawk work here?

Even so, there are some videos on the internet where the flysky i6 shows telemetry options (GPS distance). I imagine it is a specific proprietary firmware. Even where I live, they sell branded boats for about €1,500 with that remote control and the options mentioned above.

Guided Mode

I believe you can set a channel option for adding a waypoint so if you hit the switch when you drop your bait then reload the waypoints on your phone you will be able to select it and send it to that waypoint.

Yea, once you have decided to add a Ground Station to the project it opens up many possibilities. A phone is not the best device but it could work.

What components should I have for the Mission Planer connection? Because I don’t think it can reach much through WiFi, the ideal would be up to approximately 300m.

Right. ESP8266 WiFi radios work but more like 100m max. I use them for configuration and calibration purposes.

A SiK telemetry radio on a OTG cable has worked for some.


While it looks like you might be taking a different direction with a non-scripting capable autopilot, I had reason to modify the script I mentioned earlier, and I have made a pull request for its inclusion as an official applet. The updated version would likely be very useful on a bait boat.

AP_Scripting: add advance-wp.lua by yuri-rage · Pull Request #26914 · ArduPilot/ardupilot (

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Very interested, thanks you very much!

On the other hand, Ardupilot does not need to have a connection with the ground base once the commands are launched, right? That is to say, if I told you to go to a point and come back, if along the way you lost the connection with the base, you would do it anyway, right?