Help before it flies away

My quadcopter has tried to take off twice now, once hitting a fence and the second time crashing into a tree… at least this I can get back…

I"m not sure why it’s doing this. it was working but I was getting errors and I had a couple brownouts that resulted in crashes… so I bought a Power distribution module and reflashed the apm 2.6 (clone) now it takes off fine it will hover and fly correctly it even inverts the controls (super simple mode) when I fly over my head… but as soon as I get more then about 30 feet off the ground it starts to act funny if I hit RTL it just flies away…

Here is a link to my last few flights (bin) any advice would be greatly appropriated. I’m scared to fly it right now as I may not see it again…

Log files… here is what I’m seeing… can anyone explain all the errors?