Heewing Ranger VTOL - need help calibrating ESC

Justin_T1_20.01.24.param (26.4 KB)

Thank you sir. Sorry for that long last message. I was at work till late, thinking of multiple questions.

I will change the firmware to Blue Jay on the ESCs and load those parameters. I will report back. Thank you again

I got firmware changed to Bluejay.
Erased and cleared FC to ensure fresh load.
Put param file on. Checked all surfaces, they all work properly.
I have my RCMAP setup TAER, got it changed, works fine properly. (not sure if changing this messes anything up, it shouldn’t).
I noticed Servo output #9 was “disabled”. This had been my Throttle output. Was this left “disabled” on purpose or does this need to be changed back to Thottle?

I am using the supplied GPS (Beitian bn 250) , noticed “GPS_DRV_OPTION = 4”. Serial port is correct, but wasnt able to get sats. I will try to change back to “0”.

Lastly, BRD_SAFETYOPTION = 3. I had mine set at 2. Would this make a difference if BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT = 0, does this automatically dismiss BRD_SAFETYOPTION?

Since you have all the motors connected to the corresponding “motor x” channels, Throttle doesn’t really do anything. So output 9 being disabled shouldn’t be an issue.

If you don’t have a safety button (can’t say for sure, but you probably don’t), then just leave BRD_SAFETYOPTION at 0.

Excellent. Yes, keeping BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT = 0. Does that negate/override the BRD_SAFETEYOPTIONS?

Correct, no safety switch.

This is how I have everything setup at the moment, but bc of the GPS error, I was not able to get sats, kept me from arming. I will try again after work this evening. Even when removing arming/ “ARMING_REQ = 0”, it still did not work. I am going to go through all the wires going into the FC again, to make sure something is not overlooked, but the rest works fine. Any other thoughts?

Don’t mess with ARMING_REQ. or any of the arming safeties. It only ends up biting you or sending you for stitches down the road. Leave that at 1.

On mission planner what message did you get? “No GPS” or “GPS: No FIX”. If it’s No GPS, then it’s a wiring/setup issue. If it’s “No FIX” then go outside. Beitian GPS modules are not know to be the highest quality units on the market. Some work fine, others… meh.

Haha, I second the ARMING_REQ, I was doing it without props for a quick test. It always goes back to “1” before any real flight.

It says “NO GPS”. Im thinking its because I may have accidentally grabbed the param line “GPS_DRV_OPTION = 4”. I had this set to 0 on my previous and it worked fine at that time. Just cant test til I get home.

I have several Matek GPS, was planning on swapping once I get the rest working.

I’ve never had to adjust the GPS_DRV_OPTION (lucky or foolish or ignorant … jury is still out.) so I’d say set it back to 0 and try. Can’t hurt.

Mr Piper is a wizard and very kindly helped me out with this param file, which leads me to believe my issues are very likely user error (ie Me).

I am getting better at this stuff with LOTS of time and input, but still lots to learn. Hopefully I can get it working.

Is there a parameter that would not allow arming if the GPS is not working even if its overridden/ARMING_REQ = 0?

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If you have a geofence enabled that would keep it from arming without GPS.

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just checked, no GEOFENCE.

Can you double check my thought process here? Since i am now DSHOT600 for the motors and do not need to calibrate ESC, I believe there is no PWM signal being used as a servo output (channel 9 = disabled), how does the FC know what my throttle input is? Under Radio Calibration tab, throttle works fine there. Is it just the DSHOT protocol that allows you to have no dedicated throttle channel and the FC is using “motor x” as its output?

Sorry if thats confusing, trying to understand

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Throttle output is only used on normal planes with a single motor or on a VTOL with a dedicated horizontal thrust motor. On the Ranger all the motors are used in the vertical mode so they are controlled by the MOTORx outputs. The FC does all the thinking about whether the motors are in vertical or horizontal modes.

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Gotcha. I wonder if by me putting (ch 9) back in there, it would cause it to not work? hmm.

Is there a way to put ARMING on a switch instead of the rudder stick?



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Awesome. Have you ever used RCx_OPTIONS, 171 (compass calibration) like this?

I was wondering if I could put the compass cal on a switch and set to 171. Any idea if this would save once switched off?

Noob Question, would NO GPS cause me to not be able to calibrate the compass? are these physically two separate things?

You’re better to get a basic compass calibration done on the ground then use MagFit on a flight log to get every thing dialed in. MagFit will produce a calibration that takes into account all the variables in flight, especially if you have current sensing working (a very highly recommended feature).



NO GPS won’t stop you from calibrating. It will still calibrate. However, if you’re using a GPS/Compass module then what ever is stopping your GPS from working might also be effecting the Compass. Also, the GPS position helps to determine your local declination.

Thank you my friend. I will look into this. Almost done here at work.

I mostly fly fixed wing, so have not had to do compass calibration in a while as I just use GPS. By chance, do you have a link to how to do simple compass calibration handy?

Sorry, by simple I just mean the Mission Planner compass calibration. I have in the past used QGroundControl to do initial compass calibrations when Mission Planner was having issues. I’m not saying it’s calibrations are better, again it just gave me enough data that I was able to get flying and use MagFit.

GPS_DRV_OPTION = 4 instructs the firmware to try and negotiate the GPS connection at 115k because the default of 230k requires DMA on the UART and the UART is connected to does not have DMA. So that option is the correct option. I’m not sure why you can no longer get sats - do you get any kind of UBLOX message at boot?

here is a screenshot of my issue. also, still unable to make motors spin.