Having real issues with loiter

So, I take it you aren’t supposed to take off in loiter? When I armed in loiter and raised the throttle, it won’t do anything at first. I tried three times just now. Yes, I have 3D lock and 12 sats on the gps. The second time I armed, the motors came on at half throttle but just barely. I raised beyond half and it didn’t do anything, so I disarmed. Third, nothing until half throttle, then the props came on like they should, and I then took off to about 5 feet. It did not hold position at all, with very little wind, and when I started to correct, it went nuts and was totally uncontrollable. It slid to a landing, still with half throttle or there abouts, and wouldn’t stop even though the throttle was at zero. It flipped and ran upside down for a second or two mowing the grass until I switch to stabilize mode.

This has been quite frustrating for me because I got the thing to take photos with, but it won’t hold position! I’ll download logs and post them shortly. Thanks!


So to answer the questions in green.

1- already stated in original post.
2- Using Quanum Nova quad, PNP
3- 3.1.5 version of firmware.

Log attached.

You’re hardly logging anything useful, so going on what we have, your compass is probably screwing up bigtime.

We can graph your north and east velocity from the GPS and from the inertial navigation. They’re almost 180 degrees out of phase, which means your compass orientation is backwards or you have something like massive interference from the motors going on.

Vibrations could also be involved, potentially. Hard to tell.