Have Your Say: a short questionnaire to help the Unconference shape ArduPilot

The ArduPilot Unconference is being held this weekend (17-18 February) in Canberra, and many of our global team of developers have already arrived - some of whom have just met for the first time, after many years of collaboration.

Part of what we hope to achieve over the weekend is to shape a Strategy and Roadmap for 2018. A lot of the development team have great ideas, and projects already underway, that are really exciting (which everyone will get to hear about, as we are going to live stream or upload a bunch of the presentations). But it is important that we get input from the community as well.

To make that simple, there is a short questionnaire here: https://goo.gl/forms/A0IC2jW64Cm1DePy2

If you’d like to help shape the direction of ArduPilot for the next year, and onwards, please take a couple of minutes to fill it out. If there are specifics that you wish to add, feel free to leave comments below.


just to push it back into limelight for few moments :smiley:


What was the outcome of this?

Was a really good input to the Unconference discussion. Give me a day or two to get things written up :slight_smile:



Raw analytics are here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_GDxIdzTmnEGB4nRqMoBRpgFZp6iBhdnYZCPvX44bUc/viewanalytics

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