Hopeing someone can help me, I have a FC which I bought from banggood Eachine Wizard X220S FPV Racer Customized Version Omnibus F4 V3-S Betaflight 3.0.1 Flight Controller
I am getting the following error
02 Jun 2022 11:57:04 : Config Error: INS: unable to initialise driver
02 Jun 2022 11:57:04 : Config Error: fix problem then reboot
Here is an output from BetaFLight
MCU F40X Clock=168MHz (PLLP-HSE), Vref=3.26V, Core temp=38degC
Stack size: 2048, Stack address: 0x1000fff0
Configuration: CONFIGURED, size: 4096, max available: 16384
Devices detected: SPI:1, I2C:0
Gyros detected: gyro 1 locked dma
OSD: MAX7456
I have flashed omnibusf4 Plane 4.2.1 as i noted support for the BMI270 which this board has.
These boards have always working in the past when they had MCU6000 but now with the BMI270 I can’t get it working. I am not sure how to proceed here or how I can assist in getting this supported
I am getting a error when I run the ./waf
Writing hwdef setup in /home/rolf/ardupilot/build/omnibusf4sd/hwdef.h
Error: Bad CS pin in SPIDEV line [‘mpu6000’, ‘SPI1’, ‘DEVID1’, ‘MPU6000_CS’, ‘MODE3’, ‘1MHZ’, '8MHZ’]
The only way I can get the run to complete is if I # out the line 110 in the …/omnibusf4pro/hwdef.dat SPIDEV mpu6000 SPI1 DEVID1 MPU6000_CS MODE3 1*MHZ 8*MHZ
But then I am changing the omnibusf4pro hwdef.
How do i do a override ? if this is not possialbe then I would need to copy the omnibusf4pro and just edit that as the new omnibusf4sd
I know very little about the code but I would try to remove this line: include ../omnibusf4pro/hwdef.dat
And replace it by the contents of that file then edit all in there. So that you don’t have to use any undef.
If you are successful you might get memory errors and you’d have to use https://custom.ardupilot.org/ obtain extra_hwdef.dat which you can integrade in the same file.