Hardware difference between CUBEs

i’ve been looking at pixhawk 2 CUBE:

and then noticed that it has changed in appearance to this:

in the websites i visited, it says the pixhawk in the second picture is previously known as pixhawk 2.1, and i want to know if there are any differences between the two products, besides looks and name- is the hardware the same?
thanks in advance

I am not part of Hex, but hardware are mostly the same. Some sensor have been updated due to EOL of some and the branding has changed as Pixhawk is a trademark and they don’t want to be associated with it anymore (there also may be some legal issue on the trademark that justify the change)

They changed name to “Cube” to differentiate them from the millions of Pixhawk clones out there, many of suspect quality.
There’s a new post here on the Cube discuss forum discussing some of the hardware differences, mainly the sensors in this case, but the Orange cubes also have the new more powerful processors.