GSOC Project GSOC 2019: Integration of VIO tracking camera for gps-less localization and navigation [APPROVED]

Topic: Funding for GSOC VIO tracking camera - Relsense T265

Proposal type: Hardware [X ] , Software [ ] , Other [ ] : _________________

As described in this GSOG Blog:
GSoC 2019: Integration of ArduPilot and VIO tracking camera for GPS-less localization and navigation
We require T265 realsense VIO camera system.
1 Unit for Mentor, 1 Unit for Student

Planned amount $$ (USD): 398 + Shipping

Estimated time for completion:
Needed on beginning of June, corresponding to beginning of coding period.

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sounds very reasonable to me

Sounds reasonable to me too.
Funding team are looking at it.

This proposal has been approved.

Please follow for instructions on filling the reimbursement request and, on step 5, send a copy to It should be one request per person.

Best regards,

ArduPilot Funding Committee