GSOC 2019 Project Proposal DRAFT: Precision Landing, Follow-Me Using OpenMV Camera for Multicopters and EKF Improvement

Hi everyone.

I am hoping for comments and/or constructive criticism on my first draft of my project proposal for GSOC 2019. My proposal is titled Precision Landing, Follow-Me Using OpenMV Camera (or similar) for Multicopters and EKF Improvement

Link to google doc:

Anyone with the link may comment, or feel free to drop me an email.

What I am most interested in is help finding out where in the Ardupilot codebase my proposed changes might be best included. I have spent an extensive amount of time browsing the codebase and have pointed to many spots in my proposal where I could see my solutions being included, but I know that others in this community have a stronger understanding of the codebase than I. Any constructive feedback is much appreciated.

I am also hoping to connect with the mentor that would be guiding me through this project!

James Jacobson

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