Ground Testing Gripper with Parabolic Servo Dropper

After using DO_SET_SERVO for many years, I decided to try GRIPPER for control of a Parabolic Servo Dropper.

  • Connect servo to output #6 on Autopilot

  • Ensure 5V on output rail of Autopilot

  • Set SERVO6_FUNCTION to 28 “Gripper”

  • Set GRIP_ENABLE to 1 “Enabled”

  • Reboot Autopilot

  • Set GRIP-TYPE to 1 “Servo”

  • Set GRIP_GRAB to 1280 “Closed”

  • Set GRIP_RELEASE to 1860 “Release”

  • Set RC6 Option to GRIPPER RELEASE

Now I am wondering how to ground test Gripper?

It should work with the switch. If it doesn’t try checking BRD_SAFETY_MASK though it should be set to enable gripper when disarmed.

Hi Lupus,

It does work with the switch. I was looking for a way of ground testing if it works with a Mission Plan.

It should work if you make a simple mission with just the gripper release command. Though you may need to disable mission requiring takeoff command in ArduCopter and possibly MissionPlanner.