Graupner Hott code for Pixhawk

I am using Pixhawk 2.4 since a few days for my Hexa. After changing APM 2.5 I could see a much more better behavior of the Copter.
So I think the APM 2.x is on its limit espacially with more than 4 motors.

Pixhawk did the implementation for the Graupner Hott telemetry … … _telemetry

Is there a chance to get this implemented only for the Pixhawk AP code. I think it makes no sense to overload the APM 2.x.



PS: I have no experience in programming e.g. and my english is poor, sorry.

Yes we had it working fine until 3.0.1 , and maybe 3.1rc2 or so, then it stoped to compile, not sure why.

While it worked, it worked fine.