Hello all, I am having issues setting up GPS yaw on cube orange and original Pixhawk. I’ve followed tutorials but it still shows no gps. GPS’ are ardusimple with F9P chips and are getting corrections. Baud rates are setup correctly and protocols on the uarts are correct. I’m probably missing something obvious but can’t seem to get it right. See screenshots below. Thanks for your help!
It really helped me to avoid ucenter, and let MP autoconfig my GPS’s. Guys at Mowstock all agreed on the approach, and voila, after I spent 3 days (part time) monkeying with them, they had me going in minutes…cd
Thanks, I’ll try to reset everything and let MP setup everything.
I feel like a broken record saying that.
Strongly considering avoiding topics with those who elect to use u-Center and muck up all the settings.
The ArduPilot documentation is pretty clear and only directs use of u-Center to update firmware (and only then when it’s sorely outdated).
If you choose to use another documentation source, it’s highly likely to be outdated and incorrect.
Yes, I’ve reset everything, then set it up in mission planner and it is working now. I have not used Ucenter. I’m working on tuning now, so will have to find some documentation on that. Thanks all!!
So if I understand correctly, you have connected the GNSS modules with F9P, and then let Mission Planner configure it automatically? So in order to do that, you have set autopilot’s GPS_AUTO_CONFIG parameter to 1? Now is it RTK Fix for you?
@Bence_Nagy-Toth, you have a different use case and must disable auto configuration. The hardware you chose cannot be auto configured, as I explained in detail before.
Yuri is suggesting you have a different setup, but I have Ardusimple F9P modules and what he suggested works just fine. Not sure if I had to specify baud rate for UART2 but it is working properly now. I have esprtk setup for corrections and two Ardusimple modules for gps yaw and it seems to be working fine.
@Bence_Nagy-Toth is using the SimpleRTK2B+Heading kit, which does not play nice with ArduPilot’s auto configuration, and I’ve repeatedly implored users not to use it. Discussing it further in this topic will only confuse things.
ah ok, yeah I’m not using heading kit, just two regular SimpleRTK2B units. Should have read more about this initially, letting MP set everything up worked great. Thanks Yuri!