Well, sort of. This is a strange problem. I recently had a bad flyaway which I couldn’t understand but was clearly GPS related. Finally located the copter and looked at the logs, and basically the GPS just disappeared mid-flight, satellites went from nine to zero. This was running AC 3.2.1.
Fired it up again, and this is the situation:
– GPS unit (Ublox Neo 6m) working fine when connected to u-config. Showing correct lights etc.
– Arducopter 3.2.1 does not recognize that it is connected to the GPS (gpsstatus = 0)
– Arducopter 3.1.5 recognizes the GPS but refuses to arm, but does not give a bad G
PS message (or any other message). If I try to arm from Misson Planner I get a ‘Mavlink Command rejected’ dialog.
– Status messages on Misson Planner show it is receiving good GPS info (gpsstatus = 3 and the plot is good on the map).
This is totally repeatable… if I flash to 3.2.1 without touching the quad it will not see the GPS, then if I reflash to 3.1.5 it will see it fine (but will not arm).
The hardware is the FC and GPS unit you see here:
When I connect to the GPS unit using the Ublox software and the APM pass-through firmware, it appears to be functioning completely normally, which seems to negate any hardware issues.
Any suggestions?