GPS Time unavailable under Dual GPS blend configuration

Hi all,

As I’m new here, please excuse if I’m posting to an incorrect category.

I’m using dual GPS at Blend mode (GPS_AUTO_SWITCH = 2) under Pixhawk2.1 (copter 3.5.5), and found that the GPS time is not output. When I set the mode to UseBest (GPS_AUTO_SWITCH = 1), the GPS time is shown well under mission planner. The GPS time is also available when I use just one GPS.

The GPS time is unavailable only when I use dual GPS at Blend mode (GPS_AUTO_SWITCH = 2).

Any clue why and how to make the GPS time available at the blend mode? The GPS time is important to me as I use it to time sync my multiple drones for auto-flight.

I’m using the following 2 GPS to reduce the GPS glitch and improve the location accuracy of the drones:

GPS 1 (Primary): Here+ M8P Chip
GPS 2 (Secondary): Here2 M8N Chip

Many thanks in advance.

This was a bug that got fixed in the 3.6.0 version (to be released next week or so)