GPS just stopped working, gives no GPS error

I’m brand new to this so bear with me. I have Google searched and looked through these forums with no luck.
I have a Pixhawk 6C connected to an MRO SAM GPS v.3.0. I have been trying to clear all of the arming errors that Mission Planner throws and I got this one that I am stuck on: “PreArm: AHRS: waiting for home”. I have concluded that this error is because my GPS is not connecting to the Pixhawk properly as there’s another error on the Data screen that says “GPS: no GPS”. The GPS was just working 2 days ago and currently, the GPS has one solid blue light and one flashing blue light, so I know it is powered. I have also replaced it with a similar MRO GPS and the same errors were given.

I read on this forum somewhere that the baud rate might be incorrect or the GPS could be plugged in incorrectly. My baud rate is 115200 and the gps cannot be plugged into the wrong port. I have also tried switching cables and that didn’t work.

Then I tried disabling the “GPS lock” arming check and then it gave the error: “PreArm: GPS 1 still configuring this GPS” while still saying: “GPS: no GPS” as well. Then I disabled “GPS lock” and “GPS Configuration” and still go the “PreArm: GPS 1 still configuring this GPS” error.

Thanks in advance!