I have run into a problem that i can not solve or find much about.
This is the history of what i have done.
I had a pixhawk fitted to a quadcopter frame i used as my test platform, it all worked fine and flew very well on all flight modes. I have now updated my test platform to a 3DR X8 coaxial system.
I have transfered the pixhawk across to the new platform and had to reinstal the firmware to take into account the x8 coaxial configuration.
since doing this i keep getting GPS Horz error of 5 and above and also GPS speed error.
It does not matter how many times i recalibrate the compass or accelorometers i still have this problem.
I have tried reasearching this but can find next to nothing regarding this issue hence getting onto this forum to see if i can shed some light onto this. This is the first issue i have had with the pixhawk, al other issues are documented or i have worked out.
What i do know is that it is not due to acc or compass calibration or part of the prearm checks, if you disable the prearm checks it still comes up with the same error.
I am using the curent stable virsion of the APM firmware and have also tried the beta version for the X8 coaxial configuration and still have the same problem.
Can someone please help me understand what causes this issue and how i can go about resolving this.
If i leave the platform for about an hour it will finally say it is ok to arm and take off but firstly this is not practical and it does not fly well at all, it oscillates a lot but this might be due to no tuning being done yet.
Is it due to the current firmware and if it is what one should i use.
Any questions please ask as this one has got me stumped at the moment.
Looking forward to any help on this.
Thanks for your time.