Gps boat rudder control for torpedo

Hi, I want to install a gps control rudder on my torpedo to take a long line out to sea. I have an apm 2.6 and want to know how to set mission planer to operate a servo to turn the rudder so to guide the torpedo directly out from the beach, adjusting the course to combat the effect of the tide. The prop motor is manually switched on via a timer and after the preset time the motor stops. I want the gps to look at a point about 3k out to sea. The long line is 1.5k long. Is there someone that can help me with this project

Does anyone have any advise?
I have advanced to a pixhawk 2.4.8 with gps module and its calibrated.
I can activate the servo with the roll stick, left and right and the servo turns accordingly.
I can set and write way points.
The problem is when I switch to auto mode the servo moves very very slowly. How can I make this more sensitive and quicker acting?
I would appreciate any advise, thank you.
I wonder if anyone reads these posts?


Unfortunately I don’t have any advice for you, I’m looking for answers as well, but I wanted to let you know that I read these posts!


If you’re having the same issue as Colindo reports then the underlying issue is probably the turn rate tuning.