I am unable to resolve this whatever I do. I really need assistance, frankly this is getting a bit infuriating.
I have this GPS board: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15136 (specifically it is the ZED-F9P-02B-00)
I have a Matek H743 WING V3
I also have a Nano Ublox M8 5883.
There is GPS Fix (on GPS1), 3D DGPS and if I send ntrip it is RTK Fix or Float. I am sending NMEA protocol with sole reason that Ardurover cannot and will not recognize UBX no matter what I do.
I calibrated the compass multiple times, I changed EK3_GPS_CHECK to 3, SERIAL 4 and 3 are set to 5, I tried with almost all baud rates, I tried to configure from ucenter to send NMEA+UBX, NMEA, NMEA+UBX+RTCM3, UBX, I disabled the serial gps auto configure in the parameters, the HDOP 0.8 and I have 12 satellites on Ardurover.
Whatever I tried I am continuously getting these 3 GPS errors. I don’t know how to address them here are logs would you have any suggestions?
(Also I cannot downgrade the firmware since the optical flow sensor I have can only work with this one)