GPS: Bad Fix, GPS1: Unhealthy Signal, GPS Unhealthy Signal

I am unable to resolve this whatever I do. I really need assistance, frankly this is getting a bit infuriating.

I have this GPS board: (specifically it is the ZED-F9P-02B-00)
I have a Matek H743 WING V3
I also have a Nano Ublox M8 5883.

There is GPS Fix (on GPS1), 3D DGPS and if I send ntrip it is RTK Fix or Float. I am sending NMEA protocol with sole reason that Ardurover cannot and will not recognize UBX no matter what I do.

I calibrated the compass multiple times, I changed EK3_GPS_CHECK to 3, SERIAL 4 and 3 are set to 5, I tried with almost all baud rates, I tried to configure from ucenter to send NMEA+UBX, NMEA, NMEA+UBX+RTCM3, UBX, I disabled the serial gps auto configure in the parameters, the HDOP 0.8 and I have 12 satellites on Ardurover.

Whatever I tried I am continuously getting these 3 GPS errors. I don’t know how to address them here are logs would you have any suggestions?

(Also I cannot downgrade the firmware since the optical flow sensor I have can only work with this one)

Welcome to the community,

You are over complicating this. Set it to ubx only and let ArduRover auto configure it.


Even easier. Since you’re already familiar with uCenter, revert the modules to default, save config, and then let ArduPilot do the rest. The F9P is well supported and really needs no hand holding, despite what you might see in various outdated articles or videos.