GPS and Compass Broke?

Hello, I am using a Pixhawk 2.4.8 with the external GPS+Compass module.
After a crash, I fixed the drone and when recallibrating I found out that Mission Planner was no longer detecting the external compass. I also checked the main data window and it says “GPS: No GPS”.
Before finding out, I flew the drone and it was stable, but none of the modes like AltHoId nor Loiter seemd to be working. When the battery failsafe kicked in, it felt like goind down to fast. So I want to believe that indeed the GPS module got damaged. But I just want to make sure.
Anybody with a similar experience?

Here is what I see:


Thank you!

Assuming there’s no obvious issues, it’s probably a wiring issue and most likely power to the GPS/Compass since both units aren’t working. Have a good look at the wire harness and the connectors between the units. Maybe use a multi-meter on the pins to make sure they have continuity from one plug to the other.

Also, the log analyzer is out of date. Don’t bother using it. The “No GPS” message" and lack of external compass on the compass list tells you all you need to know there.

Edit: One more tip: If you have a geo-fence set up, even if the action is just to “record” the breach, that will prevent you from taking off without a proper GPS lock and home point setup. Catch the problems before it’s too late.

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Thank you for the input. I opened the GPS module and found out that the ground cable was loose. Probably due to the impact.
I soldered it and connected back the GPS module.
I was able to see the accelerometer in Mission Planner and to recallibrate it.
However, eventhough now I don´t have the “No GPS” warning, I get a “GPS no fix” and a GPS sats count of 0 GPS.
Is there a way to fix this?

Take it outside and into a clear view of the sky. If it’s the first time it’s powered up in a while it may take some time. GPS no fix means the GPS is working, at least communicated with the flight controller, it just doesn’t have enough data (and for long enough) to figure out where it is.

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Yes, that was it. Thank you! I took it outside and a couple of minutes later got 7 satellites!
Thanks a lot.

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