and F9P constellations

After upgrading to pixhawk4 with F9P GNSS model, I had a lot of GPS glitches.
Trying to solve the problem, as few suggested, I tried to reduce the F9P’s constellations. But unexpectedly with the fewer constellations I got more spikes.

all constellations:

only GPS+Galileo:

why is it happening? and what can I do to avoid those values?

Hello, do you finding the cause?

The infrequent spikes might not be a problem. The GPA Delta would be bad if it was consistently less than 200ms.
I think those graphs above are showing a time span of about 1 hour, so that’s nothing to worry about at all.

Having ruled out GPA Delta, you would next look to number of sats and HDOP - being consistent and reliable.

How did you find GPA.Delta? I am unable to find it in my list of GPA params? APM version is 3.5.5 so that could be the issue - Thanks!

APM is no longer supported. No surprise you aren’t finding log entry names from versions nearly a decade newer…

@Brad_Snelling update to ArduCopter 4.4.3 ASAP, and never look back! :slight_smile:

Wish I could. This is for an large fleet of drones where this is the conformed COTS configuration. Attempted upgrades have not had good results.

Attempting to troubleshoot some bad F9P dropouts on 1 of perhaps 400 flights and the log file I have is the log file I have. Just looking for confirmation that GPA.Delta is either 1) not possible to retrieve or 2) possible but maybe not a standard way to find it. Thanks so much.